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Apollinaris was, as far as we know, the first theologian to approach this subject. We may note in passing that, though he was bishop of Laodicea in Syria, Alexandria was his native place. His father was an Alexandrian, and he himself had been a fr...
Aristotle's Criticism Of Dualism A Weapon In The Hands Of The Monophysites
Leaving the formal element in Aristotle's system, we come to its material content. Some of the prominent ideas of the Aristotelian cosmology and psychology reappear in the heresy we are studying. We shall take first the rejection of the Platonic d...
Aristotle's Psychology
We turn now to Aristotle's psychology. We must give a brief sketch of it in order to establish the fact that the Aristotelian and the monophysite science of the soul labour under the same defect. It is a radical defect, namely, the almost complete...
Bergson's Theories Throw Light On Christology
Without claiming finality for the findings of modern psychology, we can consider some results of the science as established. They are sufficiently well established, at any rate, to provide a starting-point for our investigation. In particular the ...
Bergson's Theory Of Deep-seated And Superficial States
Bergson's psychology throws further light on a central doctrine of catholic Christology. It not only makes conceivable, as we have shown above, the co-existence of the two natures, but it lends support to the belief in the independent reality of Hi...
Bergson's Theory Of The Interpenetration Of Psychic States
It is, says Bergson, characteristic of psychic states that they do not, like material things remain external to one another. They inter-penetrate. Cut up by human intelligence into discrete elements, in their own nature they remain a continuum. S...
Christ's Body
It is obvious to an unprejudiced reader of the gospels that Christ's pre-resurrection body was real and normal. It was an organism of flesh and blood, of the same constitution and structure as ours. It occupied space, and was ordinarily subject to...
Christological Dualism Nestorianism
The Christological counterpart of dualism and of deism is Nestorianism. The Nestorians halt at the lowest stage of Christological thought. They admit Christ to be the meeting-point of God and man, but they nullify the admission by introducing dualis...
Christological Monism Monophysitism
The essential doctrine of monophysitism is the assertion of the absolute numerical unity of the person of Christ. It carries to extremes its denial of the dual personality maintained by the Nestorians. All vestiges of duality were banished from Hi...
Christology A Determinant Of Sacramental Thought
Errors in sacramental teaching necessarily accompany misconceptions of the person of Christ. The incarnation is a cosmic sacrament, the meeting-point of divine and human, and the sacraments of the church are types of the vaster mystery. In both ty...
Classification Of Monophysite Errors
Two classes of erroneous beliefs result from a misconception of the relation between God and man in Christ. There arise, on the one hand, false opinions about the deity of Christ, and on the other, false opinions as to His manhood. We shall adopt ...
Consciousness Of Personality Produced By A Violent Change Of Occupation
This assertion is justified by an appeal to human experience. Men become sure of their own or of other people's personality by experiencing strong contrasts of natures in themselves or by observing them in others. For instance, a sudden and violen...
Cyril Of Alexandria
Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria, led the opposition to Nestorius. He declared that the moment of conception was the moment of the union, and that the notion of incarnation involved much more than an association of natures. He maintained that the incar...
Dependence Of Christology On Philosophy
We mentioned above the two other chief Christological systems, the Nestorian and the catholic. No analysis of monophysitism which omitted a reference to these systems would be complete. They were three nearly contemporary attempts to solve the sam...
Historical Character Of Christianity Obscured
Christ's mission is misunderstood to-day as well as His cosmic work. In certain religious quarters where zeal is not balanced by learning, His mission as the founder of a religious society is forgotten. To those who are deficient in historic sense ...
Most Viewed
Monism Entails A Debased Conception Of Deity
Monophysite Doctrine
Aristotle's Criticism Of Dualism A Weapon In The Hands Of The Monophysites
Monophysitism And The Doctrine Of The Trinity
Christological Monism Monophysitism
Cyril Of Alexandria
The Elemental Forms Of Christological Error Docetism And Ebionitism
The Monophysite Theory Of A Composition Of Natures
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Need Of A Mental Reconstruction Of The Human Nature Of Christ
Monophysitism Blind To The Dual Character Of Christ's Experience
Monophysitism Ignores The Duality In Christ's Experience
The A Priori And A Posteriori In Christology
Monophysitism Shown In The Modern Tendency To Make The Death Of Christ A Secondary Factor In The Scheme Of Redemption
To Attribute Omniscience To Christ's Human Nature Is Monophysitism
Neo-platonist Ontology
The First Solution Of The Cosmic Problem Dualism