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All Monophysitism Page 2
Human Personality And Human Nature
What is human personality? It is a psychic entity whose most important function is to unify the parts of a man's nature. It is the principle of unity and the instrument of unity. A man's thought, will and feeling are distinct and real entities. ...
Indifference To Christ's Sufferings A Classical Comparison
Failure to appreciate the real humanity of Christ's life results in comparative indifference to the tragedy of His death. Monophysitism in undermining belief in the reality of Christ's manhood is weakening sympathy with His sufferings. Calvary lik...
Intellectualism And Mysticism Complementary Systems
After this sketch of the Aristotelian features recognisable in monophysitism, we turn to the other great pagan philosophy that assisted in the shaping of the heresy. Intellectualism and mysticism are closely allied; the two are complementary; they ...
Kant And The Dual Character Of The Ego
Kant distinguished the noumenal from the phenomenal ego. The former he regarded as an idea, the latter as a reality in time. The distinction corresponds roughly to that between person and nature. The phenomenal ego is the nature of man. It bears...
Modern Presentations Of Christ Esoteric And Deficient In Personal Appeal
Monophysitism in respect of Christ's being shows itself to-day in negative rather than positive ways. To its subtle influence is traceable the capital defect of modern presentations of Christ, namely, that they make no appeal to the outsider. Chri...
Monism Entails A Debased Conception Of Deity
The metaphysical basis of monophysitism made this result inevitable. Extremes meet. Extreme spirituality readily passes into its opposite. It cuts the ground from under its own feet. It soars beyond its fact can be found in the history of philoso...
Monophysite Doctrine
The distinctive doctrine of monophysitism, that from which the name of the heresy is taken, is the assertion that there is but one nature, the divine nature, in Christ. There existed some difference of opinion among the monophysites as to whether...
Monophysitism A Product Of Positive And Negative Currents Of Religious Thought
The foregoing sketch of the early Christological heresies exhibits monophysitism as a product of two opposite intellectual currents. A man's convictions are settled for him partly by acceptance, partly by rejection of what tradition offers or his m...
Monophysitism And Islam Sabellianism The Connecting Link
It is in place here to point out the somewhat intimate connection that existed between monophysitism and Islam. The monophysites held the outposts of the Empire. Mahomet came into contact with them, and it was probably from them that he formed his...
Monophysitism And Modern Psychology
Christology divorced from empirical psychology is a barren science. Abstract discussions about person, nature and union of natures soon degenerate into logomachies. If personality is a psychic entity, and nature another distinct psychic entity, the...
Monophysitism And Neo-platonism
When we compare monophysitism with the system of Plotinus, several points of resemblance appear. There is first the impersonal character of the deity. Monophysitism was not a Trinitarian heresy, and the Catholic doctrine of the three persons in th...
Monophysitism And Non-christian Thought
We leave here the subject of the influence of other heresies on monophysitism, and proceed to exhibit its affinities with non-Christian thought. At Alexandria, the home of the heresy, two systems of philosophy, the Aristotelian and the Neo-Platonis...
Monophysitism And The Doctrine Of The Trinity
Monophysitism was not originally or per se a Trinitarian heresy. Equally with catholics and Nestorians its adherents accepted the Nicene definition. They professed to believe in one God in three co-equal persons. This belief, firmly held in all th...
Monophysitism Annuls The Distinction Between Divine Person And Divine Nature
This distinction is of paramount importance in Christology. Diphysites hold fast to the distinction. They maintain a human nature in Christ, but they do not humanise His person. The person cannot be humanised. It remained divine after the incarna...
Monophysitism Blind To The Dual Character Of Christ's Experience
Such were the difficulties and errors into which their Christology forced the monophysites with respect to Christ's body. Difficulties equally great and errors equally fatal attended their attempt to conceive the conjunction of psychic elements wit...
Most Viewed
Monism Entails A Debased Conception Of Deity
Monophysite Doctrine
Aristotle's Criticism Of Dualism A Weapon In The Hands Of The Monophysites
Monophysitism And The Doctrine Of The Trinity
Christological Monism Monophysitism
Cyril Of Alexandria
The Elemental Forms Of Christological Error Docetism And Ebionitism
The Monophysite Theory Of A Composition Of Natures
Least Viewed
Need Of A Mental Reconstruction Of The Human Nature Of Christ
Monophysitism Blind To The Dual Character Of Christ's Experience
Monophysitism Ignores The Duality In Christ's Experience
The A Priori And A Posteriori In Christology
Monophysitism Shown In The Modern Tendency To Make The Death Of Christ A Secondary Factor In The Scheme Of Redemption
To Attribute Omniscience To Christ's Human Nature Is Monophysitism
Neo-platonist Ontology
The First Solution Of The Cosmic Problem Dualism